Push notifications
An undoubted plus of PUSH notifications is that the user receives messages that interest him, without sending later SPAM by other companies, because only a dedicated website / company can send notifications to a specific user. What is important is also the ability to opt out easily if the user no longer wants to receive such notifications. For Companies, it is a new channel of communication with users who are online, enabling them to sew up a link with promotions, offers or other valuable content. To use the PUSH notification service, create a widget configuration, and then place the generated code on your website. For the user who is on the Client's website, an icon will appear after pressing which a window will appear with information on PUSH notification. After confirming the willingness to subscribe to notifications, the user will additionally receive a query from a web browser regarding receiving notifications. Confirming this message will save the user to the list.
The widget configuration consists in determining, among others:
- icons of the widget after clicking which it will be possible to sign up,
- text informing where the user is subscribing, what type of messages he will receive, etc.
- appearance and title of the information window,
- notification icons,
- default validity of sent messages,
Podczas wysyłki powiadomień, Klient korzystając z odpowiedniego formularza w Panelu Klienta wybiera grupy odbiorców a następnie uzupełnia kolejno:
- message title (maximum 45 characters)
- the content of the message (maximum 500 characters, it is recommended to use no more than 200 characters)
- link to redirect to the website.